The Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre has a strength in emotional health. We also offer private psychological treatment. Through our Clinic, we provide assessment and treatment services to people of all ages, and training and resources to professionals.
Clients who seek help through our online and face-to-face Emotional Health Clinic will receive state of the art assessment and treatment based on internationally recognised research, much of which has been conducted by our team over the past 20 years.
Due to recent team expansion, we have availability to take on new clients in our Emotional Health Clinic. Some of our psychologists are available as early as next week, especially our male clinicians. As well as working with children, we work with adults and older adults. 
Our clinic is on located at Macquarie University, North Ryde, is close to public transport and offers free parking. We offer both in person and Zoom sessions as well as group therapy (for children and youth) and individual therapy. 
More information about tailored theory, Medicare rebates and private health insurance can be found here. If you are seeking therapy for your child, more information about the Cool Kids Anxiety Program can be found here.
Should you require any additional information, please visit our website or contact the Clinic directly at or call on (02) 9850 8711.
Kind Regards,
Emotional Health Clinic Team
Emotional Health Clinic, Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre
School of Psychological Sciences
Faculty of Medicine, Health & Human Sciences

Level 1, AHH, 16 University Avenue
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
E: | W: