Dear Club President and Youth Director
Firstly thank you for sponsoring one or more MUNA teams for 2019.
As you are aware MUNA requires volunteers over the weekend to make it a smooth and successful operation.
I am seeking volunteers from interested Rotarians from your Club. 
It  would be great to have members from your Club attend as volunteers for the weekend. I suggest a maximum of 2 members.
Please complete the questions below for each member:
Volunteer Questions
1. I am interested in being a volunteer- Yes/No
2. Name -
3. Rotary Club- 
4. Date/times- please circle availability
 Friday 14 June 1-5pm
Saturday 15 June 8-1am
Saturday 15 June 1-6pm
Sunday 16 June 8-12pm
Sunday 16 June 12-4pm
Roles will be allocated well before the MUNA weekend.
Many thanks for your support of MUNA 2019.
Peter Garrard
MUNA Chair
Mob  0410685417